Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Filler Days

So today I was wondering,
if the point of a happiness jar is to write down all the things that made you happy on one day,
what about the days when you're not happy?

What do you do then?

I'm not unhappy today.
I'm just not terribly excited or happy about anything either.

It's one of those days that feel like filler chapters in books.
Nothing really happens that contributes to the plot line, but you still have to get through that one chapter to get to the next.

And I'm beginning to realize that ever since joining clinical school, my life has been full of "filler" days.

Fridays are my good days - because I get to go back home/because its the day before the weekend.
Saturdays are my best days. I'm happiest on Saturdays, and on public holidays.
Sundays are the days of doom and gloom because it's the eve of Mondays.
Mondays are the worst.
And then the Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays are just filler days I have to get through before I can reach another Friday.

Rinse, repeat.

Of course there are the occasional week-long holidays we get, which always start out with me being really happy on the first few days,
and then falling into gloom towards the end.

Today is a filler day.

So what do I do on filler days? Or, worse, what do I do on crappy days when I am actually unhappy?

I have two options :

1. If nothing makes me happy, then don't post anything on that day.
2. Reflect on my day and find even the teeniest weeniest thing that made me smile and post about that.

The way I see it,
if I give into the "don't post if you're not happy" idea, I'd probably end up with about twenty posts on this blog at the end of this one year.

The whole idea of this blog was to find something that made me happy every day,
just so I could learn to look on the brighter side of life, right?
Post something every single day anyway even if I'm having a particularly bad day and I have to rack my brains for something that makes me happy?
...let's try that.

Maybe I'll learn to give up on the gloom and doom and force myself to look at the positives for a change.


  1. This sounds like a very good idea!
    Try to look at everything as if you're looking at it for either the first or the last time. I try to do that and it gives things a better look.

    1. I'm trying to force myself to be happy this year. lol.
      And I'll try doing that, thanks :D
